If You Love Me
Author: Chris Bowater
If you love me, keep my commandments.
If you love me, then do what I say.
There’s no room for discussion, debate or opinion,
If you love me, do what I say.
If you love me, feed those that hunger.
If you love me, do what I say.
My word can satisfy man’s deepest longing;
If you love me, do what I say.
How can I show my love to the millions
If I don’t show that love in you?
I long for a people that just want to please me
And love me enough to do what I ask them to do
If you love me, then share me with others.
If you love me, then do what I say.
There are many that need me, will you introduce me?
If you love me, really love me, if you love me, then do what I say.
NOTE: in some books, the verses may be in a different order or there is another verse that is sometimes sung.....
If you love me, care for my body;
If you love me, then do what I say.
Care for the helpless, the homeless, the sad and dejected,
If you love me, do what I say.
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